1. We want to promote common knowledge and public domain. Expand the public domain and reduce copyright periods. Results of research and intellectual and cultural works financed with public funding must be in the public domain. We need to ensure that public domain works are accessible to the general public, and fight elitist and capitalist copyright system of information by building free-access knowledge and information system.
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2. We consider the problem of relationships between cultural industries and copyright must be removed from the ""crime"" status where it has been placed. We believe that the defense of more open models of scientific creation, participation in the production, and the free movement of knowledge and information, are conditions for the ideal of a radical democracy. and for the need of a new paradigm to overcome the ""crisis of civilization"" and build equitable and sustainable societies.
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3. We believe it could be avoided the fact that copyright and patents became an obstacle to the creative and productive potential of society. Commercial interests should be subject to social needs: software, works of art, literature, music, photography, and audiovisual media and scientific discoveries must be socialized with no more barriers than granting their authors the corresponding credits and benefits. The freedom of recreational use and reproduction of all cultural products should be established, with a reasonable fee paid in advance; while authors should be provided with social protection as well as guaranteed profits equivalent to those obtained by the companies producing and marketing their work.
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4. We question, however, the monopoly of private intellectual property made to build up private financial sectors on behalf of monopolies. It is a privilege that laws and international trade agreements in developed countries give away to economic and financial conglomerates with tentacles worldwide.
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5. We believe that the fights against and for intellectual property must be understood as related to human rights, as a constitution in the building of a global citizenship, and as related to the centrality of the common goods to make other worlds possible. Considerations should be made about the attack towards knowledge and as a defense of a common good of human collectivities.
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6. We believe that intellectual property is an obstacle for cooperation and participation. It leads to competition, property, and privileges. The idea of rights has always carried the idea of sharing. Knowledge as a collective common good can only be enriched when multiplied by the exchange, with the production and dissemination as open as possible.
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7. We believe that there is a compelling need to promote social demand and the empowerment of peoples in order to exercise democratic control over research and innovation policies.
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8. We believe that humanity has invented universities as centers of excellence in scientific and technological production, as a public common. Today this vision is lost with an increasing reliance on private funding for scientific and technological progress, and privatization of the results. We must reverse this trend as soon as possible and return to public hegemony in the production of scientific and technological knowledge.
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General comments
ORIENTEMOS nuestro accionar para al menos en ciertos casos eliminar intermediarios, que muchas veces son quienes se quedan con la parte del león. Respetemos sí los derechos autorales tanto morales como económicos, pero al menos en las versiones digitales, se podría dar libertad absoluta de acceso a todos los interesados y libre de coste. Las justas retribuciones a autores y a creadores, tal vez con algún tope, podrían quedar a cargo de los propios Estados, para así honrar los principios de un acceso más democrático y generalizado. Incluso cierto número de entradas para espectáculos públicos, también se podrían dar gratuitamente a solicitantes, en base a sorteos, en base a sus respectivas contribuciones fiscales, en base a poca frecuencia de uso de este derecho, etcétera, etcétera.
Written by J.Elissalde at 04 / 12 / 2010
Promocionemos el libro electrónico multimedia de acceso libre y gratuito, y encarguemos al Estado que retribuya adecuadamente a los autores en forma directa, según interés del público en las respectivas obras. Incluyamos en esta categoría incluso registros de audio con conferencias, con exposiciones magistrales, con música, con entrevistas y debates, con cualquier tipo de actividad cultural y educativa de interés. Concretamente, el libro electrónico está retrasado en su uso y difusión, porque se orienta a cobrar algo a cada usuario, y ello plantea una serie de problemas, no permite eliminar a los intermediarios y sus costes, etcétera.
Written by J.Elissalde at 04 / 12 / 2010
HUMILDEMENTE RECORDEMOS ALGUNAS IDEAS DE "Émile Michel Cioran": Cuando se logra salir del círculo de errores y de ilusiones en el interior del cual se desarrollan los actos, tomar posición es muy difícil y arriesgado, es casi imposible. Se necesita un mínimo de arrojo y estupidez para todo, incluso para afirmar o para negar. Todo lo que me opone al mundo por cierto me es consustancial. La experiencia me ha enseñado pocas cosas, y mis decepciones siempre me han precedido.
Written by J.Elissalde at 04 / 12 / 2010

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