Although the aim of the Barcelona Consensus Project is not to diagnose the problems which currently affect us - a standard activity in other forums - but to propose their solutions, we have thought it would be interesting to compile the following initial contributions that briefly express “the world as it is”, to see the level of shared vision that participants have.

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The changes that should be produced in the world will chiefly be the result of:

Considering that:
01. We live in a critical moment of planetary emergency. Our civilization and the natural habitat it needs to sustain itself are extremely threatened: in the next 50 years approximately 80% of the world population will be concentrated in our largest cities; thousands of animal and plant species are disappearing from the planet every year; the human population continues to degrade disproportionately the resources it needs; etc.
Comments (15)
02. Humanity is in the midst of a global crisis. We should think about the impact and the consequences of development on a global scale. One of the world’s obsessions during the past 70 years has been to generate optimal development levels across the entire planet. Nevertheless, one of the major contradictions of this “dream” is the prevailing definition of development as a process related solely to economic growth – a measure which lowers greatly both its cultural and human dimensions.
Comments (16)
03. We have a planet and civilization at a point of profound crisis. It is a crisis that works against the best intentions of humankind, a crisis which implicates violence, depression, loss of life, and the dissolution of the common values which bind us.
Comments (13)
04. All people want to ensure a better future for their future generations. 
Comments (15)
05. We live in a world characterized by:
- politics without principles
- wealth without work
- enjoyment without conscience
- knowledge without character 
- business without morality 
- science without humanity
- religion without compassion
- rights without responsibilities
- power without accountability
- development without sustainability
Comments (13)
06. Globalization boosts the world’s drastic economic progress but at the same time, deepens the unbridgeable gulf between the poor country and the rich country.
Comments (12)
07. The “Money Empire” has proven to be a gigantic and absurd game of speculative juggling in the hands of ambitious bankers (“Magicians of Oz”), who have sought to corrupt and sully our public institutions.
Comments (14)
08. Global climatic change and environmental deterioration are also the disastrous results of globalization. Globalization seems irreversible, and its end dark. Fortunately or unfortunately, its inner drive and energy has not been exhausted. China today is an example of this.
Comments (14)
09. Poverty, injustice, and inequality are unfortunately prevalent in today’s world.
Comments (12)
10. Many tend to view and evaluate others by their wage level, position on the organizational ladder, and academic background - standards somewhat set by materialistic values.
Comments (14)
11. Modernization through industrialization and school education is the cause for competition in society, which changes how people see others.
Comments (10)
12. The term progress (growth, development, civilization…) manifested in dazzling projects in terms of urban development, technology, space travel, media events, etc. has created a false and costly illusion in the midst of the degradation of the impoverished and miserable masses.
Comments (10)
13. For centuries we have justified and perpetuated the triumph of individual egoism, from which the monstrous structures of global accumulation have been built. This has been to the detriment of the social, redistributive and transcendent qualities of humanity. We are more than just a combination of reptile and mammal which has been emancipated from the animal.
Comments (9)
14. The violent struggle between affluence and terrorism is unacceptable in the midst of the current increasing criminality. We live in an age of great societal decomposition and uncertainty.
Comments (9)
15. On many occasions we have seen anti-terrorist operations move away from their initial aims, and instead create mutual hatred amongst communities. Since the 9/11 events, the world order has changed significantly, while dozens of conflict hotbeds have given birth. The occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq have had a vicious effect, causing serious damage to the traditional religious and ethnic values and creating tension, hostility and non-tolerance between several communities of the Islam and Christian world. On some occasions, the anti-terror operations continue to stretch beyond their mission and instead breed mutual hatred in communities.
Comments (8)
16. In this age of darkness, contrary to what the dazzling publicity may have us believe, there are many 'oases' and 'archipelagos', cutting edge laboratories of 'new continents', where the values of well-being, measured material and spiritual happiness are exercised, places where all limitation is an opportunity to reinvent oneself. Luckily, we can find multiple humanist testimonials from individuals and collective groups that express a loving, humble and seminal attitude, as well as a firm and energetic attitude in the face of a predatory world; testimonials which feed the hope that 'another world is possible,' and perhaps even, 'other worlds are possible.'
Comments (10)
17. Those continents which historically have been subjugated, exploited and marginalized - be it Asia, Africa or America – have very deep cultural reserves that must be understood and valued. Those civilizations considered most simple and, even, ‘backward’, the ones that have not been completely conquered, assimilated or digested into “modernity” can lay claim to a heritage and existence rich in the values of fellowship, fairness, and respect for life; individual as well as collective. Knowing that there is no such thing as a completely pure culture, we must always distinguish noble values from those which have brought about discrimination, exploitation and pillaging.
Comments (12)

General comments
je ne suis pas sure que le comptage des réponse s de la sorte soit révélateur. n'est ce pas aussi une façon de faire qui rappelle le quiz?
Written by N.Chahal at 24 / 03 / 2010
je ne sais pas pourquoi on ne peut pas ecrire avec notre langue maternel qui est l'arabe tous le monde sur le forum a le droit d'ecrire avec sa langue sauf nos les arabes je propose de nos donner cette chance qui entre dans les droits culturels
Written by F.Afid at 10 / 04 / 2010
It is a very stimulating and thought-provoking exercise. I enjoyed participating in it. I also intend to complete the evaluation of other remaining forums and topics.
Written by A.Chowdhury at 11 / 04 / 2010
Some have critically assessed the world we're living in. It is important for me to note that we've so far diagnose well. So, I'm optimistic that we'll be able to find better solutions.
Written by S.Islam at 16 / 08 / 2010
Irresponsible behaviours of the people continue in the world increasing. These motions result with climate changes. Natural calamities happen in the world. For instance: Pakistan cannot get it's enough encouragement from world states.
Written by Nasibova.Malahat at 29 / 08 / 2010
All these concerns are valid and reflect the acute sense of an impending doom but the real issue is to cut through a gordian knot. We are looking for solutions to problems from the system that created them in the first place. It is not good enough to try and revive a 'spiritualism' or replace capitalist values of consumerism by a communist or altruistic denial of lures of material wealth and hedonistic pleasure. What is needed is a pragmatic yet ethical and material yet spiritual paradigm for reconstruction of a world society. This may be developed by a fresh look at philosophy from the psycho-motor perspective by a study leading to an 'ethics' which recognizes inequality of humans in time and space, age and economy etc but provides a mechanism for mobility from one status to another within state-society or world community.
Written by K.Qadir at 07 / 11 / 2010

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