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Facilitator: David Camps

Here we present the structure of workshop 6, where you can find different presentations, of which you can get more information by clicking on the title of each one:

1. The collaboration between entities
      1.1 Program Alia't with social action, Frederic Cusi
      1.2 The experience of Ens de Comunicació Associativa, Juan Ramon Gordo.
 2. The social innovation. Nacho Sequeira Èxit Foundation.
 3. New opportunities for business-related NGOs to influence management training Ramon Guardia, Valores & Marketing

 4. The collaboration between organizations and institutional environments.
        4.1 The collaboration between institutions and voluntary organizationsof social health, Anna Verderi. Enrietta Villavechia Foundation 

      4.2 The experience of creation of the Bureau of Social Participation (TPS) of Department of Justice, Nuria Fabra and Marc Cerón

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You can write your comments, add concepts that there are not include in the document and that you believe could be important, at the end of the site in the section named General comments.
The comments will be put in common in the conference itself.

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En aquest taller s’abordarà la col·laboració entre entitats i la col·laboració de les entitats amb altres organitzacions, especialment amb el món de l’empresa. A partir de l’exposició per part de ponents de diferents trajectòries i procedències dins l’àmbit social (entitats socials, federacions o entitats de tercer nivell, consultoria) identificarem experiències exitoses i aprenentatges però també debatrem sobre la complexitat i els reptes que planteja la col.laboració i els projectes entre els diferents sectors: organitzacions no lucratives, entitats de segon i tercer nivell, administració pública i sector empresarial.

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Comments (2)

A big step forward is needed regarding partnership models. We have to work with determination to evolve from a classic philanthropy-based model to an advanced partnership model that includes dialog processes with companies and other stakeholders as well as strategic alliances.

Comments (5)

Today, a strategic and collaboration-based approach is key both within organizations (teamwork) and between organizations if real change is to take place.

Comments (5)

Local social agents co-responsibility is possible through partnerships that serve as collaboration platforms between different actors. Their main objective is to improve the efficiency of individual plans. Furthermore, partnerships enhance relationships between organizations thus enriching not only projects but also each organization. Each organization incorporates best practices from others.

Comments (3)

We welcome the celebration of regular meetings of non-profit organizations,companies and other stakeholders such as the Marketplace as a means of promoting and raising awareness on the importance of exchanges and collaboration. We recommend the celebration of a meeting in each European national region. We believe these meetings greatly contribute to a key message on the growing importance of collaboration between social and corporate initiatives. Also, they lay the grounds to face new challenges, innovate and contribute to the creation of social and economic value.

Comments (2)

Promoting alliances within the Third Sector is key in order to reinforce entities and to improve the efficiency of the response they provide to social challenges. Joint objectives and working together are essential elements to achieve great results.

Comments (2)

All initiatives for the creation of second and third level structures should be the result of a grass root level reflection free of any institutional interference.

Comments (6)

For social innovation to a happen the very DNA of our organizations needs to be reviewed. Our efforts should focus on those areas in which we can provide a greater added value. We should not get involved in projects that could be carried out more efficiently by organizations with more expertise (from our sector or from another one). Promoting a partnership with those organizations would be an alternative. Real innovation will only be possible through a welldefined alliance policy.

Comments (4)

Learning from others is as important as innovation. In this respect, the best practices from other actors should be identified and adapted as necessary.

Comments (3)

A working group for the development of new collaboration models composed of organizations and companies has to be created. This group should be able to achieve a change in peoples’ mind. Different stakeholders will commit to develop specific collaboration initiatives with this approach and to publish a document with the best practices.

Comments (3)

Volunteers-based organizations contribution has to be better explained to the citizenship in general and to public administrations in particular. This will contribute to its better recognition. Networking between organizations has to be promoted.

Comments (3)

All entities working in the area of volunteering should make theirs the rights and duties of volunteers (such as the Volunteers Chart of Catalonia). Also, we believe it is the right time to review the Chart and to open a reflection on new sectorial considerations.

Comments (3)

Areas in which public administrations and volunteer-based organizations work together have to be identified in order to determine whether it is possible to apply joint working mechanisms through social participation schemes. Areas in which companies could get involved should also be identified.

Comments (2)

General comments
I think that areas of interest for public administration and areas of interest for companies have joint points and this can be the point of begging a partnership.
Written by simona at 03 / 10 / 2011

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