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Facilitator: Araceli Crespo

Here we present the structure of workshop 4, where you can find different presentations, of which you can get more information by clicking on the title of each one:

1. Volunteer training. Sílvia Penón, FCVS.

2. The catalan training volunteering plan and the first contact training on volunteering courses.  Esther García, Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai, Maria Elias, Fundació Pere Tarrés, Nasí Muncunill.

3. Training as an identitary element. Carles Gil, Fundació Servei Solidari

4. The Italian training experience on volunteering. Renzo Razzano, SPES - Centro di Servizio per il Volontariatto del Lazzio

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How can we ensure the right and duty of the volunteer training today? What should be the role of the different stakeholders? Can we have common strategies?, And what value we give to them? What is the role we attach to training and ... what we train volunteer in? What should allow us to progress in the recognition and guarantee of this right (training) at institutional and social level? These are questions raised in the heart of the debate of this workshop dedicated to volunteer training.

For more information click here.

Comments (3)

An updated overview of the general state of training for volunteers is needed as a means to get closer to our reality, understanding volunteers’ motivations and developing network techniques. This would allow the development of a sectorial strategic plan for the promotion of networking and it would also enable annual meetings aimed at sharing experiences and reflections that could be then translated into action plans.

Comments (2)

Besides providing volunteers’ with the necessary skills, training should serve as a tool to empower them to handle the results of their actions. At this respect, training should include emotional skills so that volunteers carry out their task responsibly, joyfully and from a realistic approach. Managing one’s own emotions is one of the most delicate aspects of volunteering that the above-mentioned measures would help reinforcing.

Comments (2)

The development of training methodologies that guarantee that volunteers’ views are reflected in training programs is key. Methodology has proved to be an essential element of volunteering induction programs. Dynamic methodologies enables the “accompaniment process” volunteers often expect to happen. All volunteers should have a say

Comments (2)

Volunteering training programs should bring more attention to transmitting rather than only focussing in communicating and explaining. Theoretical lessons can reach an audience of 10, 100 or a 1000 people if there is enough room. Contrarily, transmitting can only take place in a more personal setting. We recommend an audience of 5 or 6 people maximum.

Comments (3)

Training should boost each organizations transformation potential, which should not be understood as a goal but as a tool to shape a new citizenship. Training for volunteers has to include technical skills, a long-term vision (for volunteers to understand the root causes of the action and for real transformation to be possible) and promote a link between volunteers and the organization’s aims. This last point is key if volunteers are to integrate the distinctive Cosmo vision of change agents at the long term.

Comments (2)

Training programs and plans that enable all stakeholders to work together should be prioritized. Real networking will only be possible through the inclusion of all potentialities and strengths.

Comments (2)

Training for volunteers has to be adapted to the local environment and the sectorial needs. It also has to take volunteers’ views into account. Beyond public administration-based programs, future programs on training for volunteers at the sector level need to be explored. These plans might include partnerships and subcontracting schemes. In this framework, subsidiarity has to be understood as a public – private initiative.

Comments (2)

General comments
I strongly belive that sometime it is important that staff of the organisation involving volunteers should be part of the volunteering trainging, because sometime stafii don't know to much about volunteers and volunteering and there can be a misunderstanting.
Written by simona at 03 / 10 / 2011
Crec que és urgent i important que: a) fem participar el voluntariat del i en el seu procés formatiu b) que incorporem a les formacions tot allò (metodologies, habilitats, coneixements )que forgi el voluntariat com agent de transformació c) que vetllem per fer-ho el més a prop de la seva realitat, amb la gentdel seu entorn (entitats) i facilitant cadascú des de les seves potencialitats:
Written by aracelicrespo at 25 / 10 / 2011
Creie realment que és contempla la formació com una eina de creixement identitari? Si haguéssiu de dir per a què serveix la formació del voluntariat, a què dona resposta i en quin percentatge aproximat, quin és el marge per a a formació com una eina de creixement identitari? Us animeu a dir-hi la vostra?
Written by aracelicrespo at 25 / 10 / 2011
cal tenir molt present la missió de l'entitat, l'objectiu del projecte on el voluntari intervé i finalment l'usuari que reb el servei. La meva experiència em diu que la formació de l'equip voluntari serveix per fer-lo més eficient en la seva tasca, més útil, més segur de si mateix i per tant molt més motivat, tenint molt present que el vincle entre l'entitat i el voluntari és la tasca i l'objectiu de l'entitat és l'excel.lència en l'atenció als usuaris. La satisfacció de l'usuari ens servirà tambè per evaluar la qualitat de la formació.
Written by Marta ACAB at 11 / 11 / 2011

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