1st International Conference of accredited NGOs to the Convention for the   Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.
 - Virtual forum from March 2nd to May 30th. - 
This virtual forum is addressed to both accredited NGOs by the Convention and those people and institutions interested in Intangible heritage and already somehow working on its safeguarding.

In order to participate, it is necessary to register a new user
If you have forgotten your password, you can recover your data. 
If you already have already registered as a new user, you can participate!  (look at the instructions)

Forum’s main goals:
- To generate a participative space before the In-Person conference (3-16 June, 2015) where both attendees and those people and NGOs not able to attend the Conference, can participate.

- To generate a previous process before the In-person Conference to clarify and identify concepts, proposals, topics, etc. to collectively create a consensual discourse in which the In-Person Conference will be focused.

A different forum will be opened for every topic (March 1st / May 15th) where a brief presentation will introduce the discussion topic in order for the participants to position themselves on one or another opinion.
The forum will be highly interactive, allowing argumentations, proposals and responses to other participants. It will also provide updated results on the discussion.

The results obtained from the forum will be presented at the In-person Conference with the aim to define the topics of discussion.

>>> 1. What kind of internal organization do we want for the NGO Forum? 
>>> 2. Evaluation body
>>> 3. Ethics
>>> 4. The mission/role of NGOs and the Forum
>>> 5. Sustainable development. 

- How to participate:

1. You must registrate: new user.  Enter the requested data to register a new user

2. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email. You can then access any existent fòrum or create and manage new ones. 

3. Then, you will find 5 sections on this website. In order to participate, you must click on the titles

4. Within each section, you must read the introduction and evaluate your level of agreement through the appropriate color:

verdAgree    verd Half agree  verd Desagree  verd N/A

You can also add new comments after each thematic section and propose new issues that has not been discussed in the document.


 Thanks for your participation!

 More information: How to participate

For technical troubles contact with info@ich.cat