Sociedad del Conocimiento
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9.4. respect for cultural diversity

(15 / 100%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (4)
NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE PROPONE: Amplio respeto a la diversidad cultural.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

add 'and acknowledgement of our common humanity despite our endless diversity'
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Agree this is important and all of us can do it.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Este es el más importante, las diversas identidades que sobreviven, resisten y eclosionan en medio de la amenaza de extinción, y definen sus particulares derechos al conocimiento, no bstarán códigos universles sino 'comprensiones' específicas, disntintivas... flora, fauna y humanidades...
Written by L.Mendez at 24 / 12 / 2010

12.2. To truthful and verified news content: the media, whether public or private, must ensure the accuracy of the news content they create, the clear distinction from the opinion pieces, in full respect to the citizen’s right to information. To ensure that no interests prevent this, we must encourage the independence of the public media, and respect for independent media and independent professionals.

(14 / 93%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (4)
MUY DE ACUERDO, PERO LA REDACCIÓN PUEDE MEJORARSE. NUEVO TEXTO SUGERIDO: Amplio acceso a contenidos informativos veraces, contrastados, y no sesgados. Los medios de comunicación, sean ellos públicos o privados, deben asegurar la veracidad de los contenidos informativos que difunden, así como su clara diferenciación de los contenidos de opinión, y de los contenidos no contrastados o de fuentes inseguras, para así respetar el derecho a una información veraz por parte de la ciudadanía. Para asegurar que ningún tipo de intereses impidan este accionar, se deberá fomentar la independencia de los medios de comunicación públicos, así como el respeto por los medios de comunicación independientes, y así como el amparo a la labor periodística de los profesionales de la información.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Agree strongly with the statement.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Para dar seguimiento a reglamentaciones y acuerdos que pudiesen darse en este sentido, la ciudadanía tendría que generar mecanismos de monitoreo como pudiesen ser OBSERVATORIOS SOBRE LA COMUNICACION.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

Agree strongly and understand as the absolute illusion - the possibility of public media independence - from the practice of independent Lithuania and Latvia.
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

9.2. the right of universal access to information and knowledge

(14 / 93%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (4)
NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE PROPONE: Derecho de acceso universal a la información y al conocimiento y a las manifestaciones de cultura.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

and the corresponding duty to use information and knowledge wisely and responsibly for the good of human society and make it available to those wihtout means to access it themselves
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Yes this is ideal but we need to recognise that many cannot have access due to lack of electricity, internet services, computers, etc.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Ir looks so nice, but it is contradicting to "universal access to information" concerning child pornography, means how to construct terroristic means - explosives, poisons etc etc.
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

9.3. equal access to quality education

(13 / 87%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (2)
NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE PROPONE: Igualdad de acceso a una educación de calidad, derecho a una correcta orientación vocacional, e igualdad de oportunidades.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

this is ideal but needs to recognice that too many people cannot access quality education.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

11. We believe it is more important to apply the human rights framework to the information society, rather than taking technologies as the main reference. Thus the dignity, liberty and equity of all human beings should be taken as the starting point of reference. It entails the task of addressing the basic values we wish to guide the direction of the information society, and to ensure that these standards continue to be upheld.

(13 / 87%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (3)
MUY BIEN, PERO ENTIENDO HAY COSAS DE REDACCIÓN A ACLARAR Y MEJORAR. NUEVO TEXTO SUGERIDO: Sin duda es bastante más importante aplicar el marco de los derechos humanos a la sociedad de la información, que tomar las tecnologías como referencia. Las tecnologías digitales de la información y de la comunicación (TICs), los grandes avances experimentados en este campo, y sus costes asociados siempre decrecientes, acercan las posibilidades reales y prácticas de construcción de una sociedad verdaderamente integrada, igualitaria, racional, equilibrada en oportunidades y equilibrada en la geografía, sin injustas fragmentaciones y exclusiones. Así, podrá constituirse la dignidad y la libertad y la igualdad de la ciudadanía como el punto clave, y no como una enunciación meramente declarativa sino como una meta de la cual se estará cada vez más cerca. Esto implica enunciar los valores básicos que queramos guíen la evolución de la sociedad de la información, y asegurarnos que estos estándares continúen siempre siendo defendidos, y siempre en continuo acercamiento y perfeccionamiento.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

yes, information is created, disseminated, controled and received by humans. Technology is only a means of conveyance. hence we should focus on the rights and responsibilities of humans.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

De acuerdo con J.Elissalde.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

12.6. To culture in general: as a result of humanity's historical evolution, culture is a universal heritage and no one should appropriate it as a commodity, or impose limits in terms of private interests. Every person and every community should have the right to access it, enjoy it, participate in its reproduction and preservation, as well as in the process of fostering their own intelligence, sensitivity and expressive capabilities.

(12 / 80%)

(3 / 20%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (5)
MUY DE ACUERDO. MUY BUENA PROPUESTA. REDACCIÓN MEJORADA QUE SE PROPONE: Amplio y generalizado apoyo a una buena cultura general de la ciudadanía. Como resultado del devenir histórico de la humanidad, la cultura se fue desarrollando en sus distintas facetas y particularidades, y es con certeza patrimonio universal, y nadie debe apropiársela como una mercancía, ni limitarla en función de intereses privados. Cada persona y cada comunidad deben tener derecho de acceso a su disfrute, así como a participar en su reproducción y en su preservación, en vías de alimentar la inteligencia, la sensibilidad, las capacidades expresivas, la apreciación de distintas visiones de la vida y del mundo y del universo.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

excellent just add DUTY and its perfect!
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Agree, Each individual when exposed to different cultures may become indvidually multicultural thus enriching herself or himself as well as the communities and the societies they live in.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Habría que precisar los elementos de una buena cultura como podrían ser relaciones de justicia y equidad y la práctica real del respeto a los derechos humanos.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

It is especially important: culture is a universal heritage. But it have to be interpreted with strong account of private intellectual rights and formed structure of intellectual property protection (incl. private collections, manuscripts, paintings).
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

12.1. To information: both public and private, for a better understanding of the society in which we live and the activity of public authorities and the services they provide.

(12 / 80%)

(3 / 20%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (3)
LA REDACCIÓN DE ESTA RECOMENDACIÓN-OBSERVACIÓN PUEDE SER MEJORADA. NUEVA REDACCIÓN SUGERIDA: Amplio acceso a la información pública e incluso a parte de información privada, para un mejor conocimiento de la sociedad en la que vivimos, y para una mejor evaluación de la actividad de los poderes públicos y los servicios que gestionan.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Agree. It is not very useful to many people to have rights to information if they do not have the means to access it.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Habría que considerar que existe información privada que puede ser utilizada abusivamente por parte de las entidades gubernamentales y de algunos particulares, como de hecho ha sucedidO.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

12.7. To art, science and knowledge: both for training and theirenjoyment, as well as to feed their own creative abilities. Any progress and contribution in the field of culture should be released to expand the potential of human development, ensuring that participants in each creation receive a fair remuneration for the work and resources invested in those cultural products.

(11 / 73%)

(3 / 20%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (4)
EXCELENTE. BUENA PROPUESTA. NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE SUGIERE: Arte, ciencia, política y diplomacia, deporte, expresión verbal y escrita, deben formar parte del día a día de los ciudadanos, tanto para su formación y disfrute, como para alimentar sus propias capacidades creativas. Todo avance y aportación en el campo de la cultura, debe liberarse para expandir el potencial del desarrollo humano, cuidando que los participantes de cada creación reciban una justa retribución por su trabajo, y por los recursos invertidos en los productos o avances culturales.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Agree generally but am not clear about remuneration for all cases. Some cultural products are not able to be valued for remuneration.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

As a result, new system of the measurement of intellectual productivity and evaluation of intellectual production have to be the most important task of economic researches so as from it depends the correct distribution of national and intl resources for the perspective sustainable development.
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

El arte en toda su riqueza expresiva es un camino que una vez desmercantilizado será probablemente el medio privilegiado para comunicar pluralistamente no solo datos sino valores vitales que refuercen el ánimo en la lucha por la supervivencia y la alternancia...
Written by L.Mendez at 24 / 12 / 2010

1. All knowledge, including science, is a common heritage of humankind. To increase human knowledge has been one of the most fundamental endeavors of humanity throughout history.

(12 / 75%)

(4 / 25%)
 Number of assessments : 16

Comments (4)
The cognitive development of fundamentals that must be supported by everyone and work for it.
Written by dr. bakhita at 04 / 12 / 2010

The cognitive development of fundamentals that must be supported by everyone and work for it.
Written by dr. bakhita at 04 / 12 / 2010

Yes. We all do this all the time from our birth to our death.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

This is essence of civilization -To increase human knowledge
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

9.1. the right to information, the right to communication and the freedom of opinion and expression

(12 / 80%)

(2 / 13%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (3)
NUEVA REDACCIÓN PROPUESTA: Derecho a la información, derecho a la comunicación, y amplia libertad de opinión y expresión.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

I think that we should add a fifth principle - the responsibility to adhere to the truth.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

12.5. To the creation of communication channels with a social base: the creation of community media could ensure the participation of the citizenry and a real multitude of voices in the creation and distribution of content.

(11 / 73%)

(2 / 13%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (4)
MUY ADECUADA ESTA PROPUESTA, PERO HAY CLAROS PROBLEMITAS DE REDACCIÓN, POSIBLEMENTE CON ORIGEN EN ALGUNA TRADUCCIÓN. NUEVO TEXTO QUE SE SUGIERE: Amplias facilidades para la creación de canales de comunicación con base social. Se deberá promover e incluso apoyar la creación de medios de comunicación del tercer sector, para allí asegurar la participación de la ciudadanía, y una multiplicidad de voces y de enfoques en la creación y distribución de contenidos.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Agree. Community media can also encourage peoples increased participation in their own governance.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

De acuerdo con J.Elissalde
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

Una gran diversidad de medios de comunicación está por reconocerse en la fragua de la sociedad civil (marginada y mal llamada como 'tercer sector') que se reinventan y emergen en medio del conflico por la verdad y la insumisión...
Written by L.Mendez at 24 / 12 / 2010

10.4. The right to science, technology and scientific knowledge, which guarantees access to scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge and to benefit from the results of such knowledge.

(10 / 71%)

(4 / 29%)
 Number of assessments : 14

Comments (4)
NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE SUGIERE ADOPTAR: El derecho a una formación básica en ciencia y tecnología, y el derecho al saber científico, que garanticen un normal desarrollo de una persona en nuestra sociedad actual. El derecho al acceso a los conocimientos científicos, tecnológicos, y humanísticos, en su más amplia extensión, y el derecho a beneficiarse de los resultados de dichos conocimientos.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

add duty and adapt to make thsi equally accessible for poorer countries and people who today cant even affrod to send their children to free public schools affroding very bad quality education!
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Agree and suggest we add "use" of such knowledge.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

De acuerdo con J:Elissalde.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

2. Knowledge and the methods of its production can result in both emancipation and advancement of societal interests and/or domination and oppression.

(12 / 75%)

(3 / 19%)

(1 / 6%)
 Number of assessments : 16

Comments (3)
MUY BIEN. EXCELENTE. En su redacción en español CREO QUEDA MÁS CLARO EL SIGUIENTE TEXTO: Consideramos que el conocimiento y sus métodos de producción, pueden ser útiles tanto para favorecer la emancipación y el avance de los intereses sociales, como para apoyar procesos de dominación y opresión.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Not only the methods of production of knowledge but also the methods of its transmittal and disemination.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

This is true, so those with social responsibility must ensure, and be held accountable, that the right knowledge is provided in the right form for the advancement of societal interests
Written by B.Kethusegile at 27 / 12 / 2010

10.1. The right to information, which protects the right of individuals and communities where they are integrated to receive truthful and verified information, both by the media and the public authorities.

(11 / 73%)

(3 / 20%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (4)
NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE SUGIERE: El derecho a la información, que tutela el derecho de las personas y de los pueblos, a recibir información veraz y contrastada por parte de los medios de comunicación y de las autoridades públicas
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Agree generally but not clear as to why the condition of being integrated. Perhaps the phrase "where they are integrated" should be ommitted.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Including unofficial like from Wikileaks
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

4. We believe we are living a critical situation, not only in the economic and social sense of the term, but a crisis of civilization, of the view of the moment in which we live. A number of phenomena have transformed the intellectual and cultural architecture of the world we live in, but we are still unable to describe the building within which we are. This is a crisis of intelligibility: we know that things have changed, we have the intellectual tools needed, but these tools do not allow us to understand the new situation, and do not help us to understand the new reality.

(10 / 67%)

(5 / 33%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (6)
MUY BIEN. PERFECTO EN CUANTO AL FONDO, pero ENTIENDO SE PODRÍA MEJORAR LA REDACCIÓN PARA SER MÁS CLAROS Y EXPLÍCITOS. NUEVO TEXTO SUGERIDO: Consideramos que estamos viviendo una nueva situación de crisis, no sólo en el sentido económico y social del término, sino una crisis de civilización, de visión del momento en que vivimos. Se están produciendo ciertos fenómenos que han transformado la arquitectura intelectual y cultural mundial en la que nos desenvolvemos, pero en buena medida somos incapaces de describir el edificio en el interior del cual nos encontramos. Es una crisis de inteligibilidad: Sabemos que las cosas han cambiado, disponemos de nuevos y poderosos instrumentos intelectuales y operativos, pero dichos instrumentos no nos permiten comprender del todo la nueva situación, ya no percibimos ni comprendemos y ni siquiera abarcamos del todo bien la nueva y compleja realidad. Imprescindiblemente nuestra generación deberá producir pensadores y filósofos de primera línea, pues los necesitamos.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

change last sentence to 'and do not help us to SHAPE the new reality' - this is our fundamental challenge - it is UP TO US to SHAPE the new reality according to what we collectively creatively believe would be in the shared interest of all humankind and the planet, especially the weakest.
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

I think that we have the intellectual tools to change our world but we do not know how to use them.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

De acuerdo con el comentario de J.Elissalde.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

Ce manque d'intelligibilité, à mon sens, provient du fait que nous avons adopté une seule manière de voir certains changements majeurs intervenus sur notre planète, surtout dans le domaine économique, plus spécialement le capitalisme. Je m'explique, au niveau du micro, donc du citoyen, on s'est mis au jean et au burger, et au niveau du macro la globalisation, instrument du capital et projet de société non citoyenne, est allègrement confondue avec la mondialisation, mouvement naturel d'un monde qui devient de plus en plus petit, le village planétaire dont parlait Mac Luhan. L'un est un projet de société où les plus gros mangent les plus petits, les plus faibles, où l'homme est considéré comme un bien au service du capital: ressources humaines, ressources financières où effectivement l'homme est 'dégraissé' afin d'être remplacé par une machine plus rentable. A l'autre bout, celui de la mondialisation, l'homme est au centre du développement et le capital à son service, car c'est une situation où nos interdépendances et notre besoin de solidarité sont une évidence. Je regrette donc que les médias ne fassent jamais cette différence. Que les américains n'aient qu'un seul mot pour dire les deux est compréhensible, ils ne reconnaissent que la globalisation, mais que d'autres pays qui ont d'autres langues et particulièrment les francais qui ont les vocables globalisation et mondialisation et une culture imprégnée de nuances fassent l'impasse, cela est iincompréhensible et devrait être relevé.
Written by N.Fall at 21 / 12 / 2010

I believe there is often a reluctance to change the social status quo as it benefits a previlleged few, so often the available tools are not fully utilized for effective transformation.
Written by B.Kethusegile at 27 / 12 / 2010

10.2. The right of access to information, which is the right of everyone to seek and receive information from public and private organizations on the basis that they perform public functions. This right demands that public entities publish information about their functions and costs pro-actively. This right is also known as the right to know and freedom of information.

(12 / 80%)

(1 / 7%)

(2 / 13%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (2)
add duty
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

this is a specific area of access which can be included in a general statement about access to information. Responsibility of people to seek such information needs to be recognised.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

13. We believe that all stakeholders must learn to work together, using and developing new communication and coordination mechanisms,even though states might remain key players. Working together, non-state actors (NGOs, civil society groups, or individuals acting as paid professionals or as social entrepreneurs) and public strakeholders should build networks, coalitions and partnerships that transcend all borders (political, social, economic, linguistic), with a flexible strategy built to communicate, consult, coordinate, collaborate, build, invent, assist, etc.

(10 / 67%)

(4 / 27%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (3)
EXCELENTE PROPUESTA. MUY BIEN. NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE SOMETE A CONSIDERACIÓN: Los diversos actores sociales deben aprender a trabajar de forma conjunta o colaborativa, usando y desarrollando nuevas mecánicas de comunicación y de coordinación y de elaboración, y sin perjuicio de lo que en este sentido puedan ofrecer los Estados o los sectores privados. Juntos unos con otros, actores no estatales (organizaciones no gubernamentales, grupos de la sociedad civil, individuos independientes, profesionales contratados, emprendedores solidarios) y también actores públicos, deben crear redes, coaliciones, asociaciones, que trasciendan todos los tipos de fronteras (políticas, sociales, económicas, lingüísticas), con una estrategia orientada a comunicar, a consultar, a coordinar, a colaborar, a construir, a elaborar, a inventar, a asistir, a difundir, etcétera.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Agree. This is already happening in many areas of interest being assited through the use of the internet.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

The concept of the K4D is presented here uneven: some propositions are analytical, some philosophic and some as this one - descriptive.
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

12.4. To critical training on media and ICTs: access can not be limited to purely instrumental and operational aspects. Training that enables intelligent and responsible use of ICTs and media must be made available. The speed at which digital data can reach users, or the careful presentation that such data may have, are as important as people understanding and decoding it properly.

(9 / 60%)

(4 / 27%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (3)
NOTORIAMENTE LA PROPUESTA ES BUENA, PERO HAY ASPECTOS DE REDACCIÓN QUE PUEDEN Y DEBEN SER MEJORADOS. NUEVO TEXTO QUE SE PROPONE: Amplia capacitación crítica de la ciudadanía sobre los medios de comunicación y sobre las TICs. El ciudadano no debe limitarse a ser un mero consumidor, y/o a bien manejarse en aspectos meramente instrumentales y operativos. Deberá establecerse y constituirse algún tipo de capacitación o de formación ciudadana, que haga posible un uso inteligente y responsable de las TICs, así como un buen aprovechamiento de los servicios brindados por los medios informativos. No tendrá mucho sentido poner excesivo énfasis en la velocidad con la que los datos digitales puedan llegar a los usuarios, y/o en la esmerada presentación que puedan tener dichos datos, y/o en la creativa combinación de formatos multimedia allí utilizados, y/o ni aún en el costo de los servicios básicos y de los servicios especiales, si las personas no pueden adecuadamente entender y descodificar los mensajes, y/o si los usuarios logran ser fuertemente inducidos en sus opciones en lugar de asegurar su libertad de opinión y de elección.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Agree strongly that responsible use of the media is basic to freedom of information and the right of use and access.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Formulation unclear
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

3. We believe that the right to freedom of expression, government regulation of the sector, commercial interests of cultural industries and interests of users must be reconciled. The information and communication system does not always reflect the most authentic and profound interest, or educational and cultural aspects of users, or in relation to unnecessary and excessive consumerism promoted through advertising. Sometimes not even the purely informational and opinion aspects are respected, and news are filtered and skewed, agendas imposed or views formed by a manipulation, becoming the media an influential non-elected political actor.

(11 / 73%)

(2 / 13%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (6)
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

editing error: in English, change last sentence to 'MAKING the media an influential ..." the Point is otherwise a strong and clear one.
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

to complete this point with a recommendation and not leave it as just a critique add:. It is time today for all actors in Media, Education and Culture to consciously assume their Responsibility to be positive forces for social transformation.'
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Agree with the statement as an analysis of the situation. We need to be aware of this in how we receive media messages.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Acceptable but longspun and dimly
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

An important and very strong point with the necessary editing as recommended in above comments
Written by B.Kethusegile at 27 / 12 / 2010

10.3. The right to communication which recognizes the right of all people and communities where they are integrated to communicate through the medium of their choice. To this end, everyone has the right to access and use information and communication technologies, specially the Internet.

(9 / 60%)

(4 / 27%)

(2 / 13%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (5)
NUEVA REDACCIÓN QUE SE SUGIERE: El derecho a la comunicación que reconoce el derecho de toda las personas y de los pueblos, a poder comunicarse con sus semejantes por cualquier medio de su elección. A tal efecto, toda persona debería tener derecho al acceso y al uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, entre ellas y en particular, Internet.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

add duty. And recognise that the majority of the world population doesnt yet have ELECTRICITY or only a few hours of it every day. Getting even one computer per village or building/slum in rural areas and paying for internet access are luxuries. if we demand this as a right then we as citizens shoudl be willing to contribute the resources of our own to ensure that first electricity then computer and internet access are made globally available. Otherwise this whole area of access to info remains an elite right - which doesnt therefore interest me particularly!
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Agree but am not clear as to why they need to be integrated. Is this because the statement recognises that many are not connected to the internet or even to the mainstream media of the world?
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

De acuerdo con J.Elissalde ya que el mundo se conforma por millones de personas sin acceso a internet y aún sin servicios básicos.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

Mais ce droit doit être assorti au devoir du respect des autres et de leur dignité
Written by N.Fall at 21 / 12 / 2010

7. We believe too much emphasis is laid on formal means of knowledge generation and transmission. Informal means of knowledge transmission include peer chat and word of mouth, and the Internet is a modern forum that substitutes group gatherings. The issue is the ‘use’ of any information we can access not so much the right or the opportunity to access it. We need not worry too much about fractures, levels or groups within the ‘knowledge society’ or the ‘cultural industries’; we must develop consensus on the rules of engagement for a dialogue between ecological, humanistic and developmental views of the future.

(8 / 50%)

(7 / 44%)

(1 / 6%)
 Number of assessments : 16

Comments (5)
DE ACUERDO, PERO NO ME CONVENCE DEL TODO LA REDACCIÓN. NUEVO TEXTO QUE SE PROPONE: Consideramos que tal vez se pone exagerado énfasis en los medios formales de generación y transmisión del conocimiento, en desmedro de las vías más naturales y espontáneas. Entre los medios informales de transmisión de conocimiento se incluyen: (A) La conversación directa con los iguales en distintos ámbitos de encuentro social; y (B) el “boca-oreja” de Internet, que es el foro moderno, que substituye y complementa los encuentros en grupo. La problemática que se plantea, el aspecto central de esta cuestión, es el “uso” y el “efecto” de cualquier información a la que podemos acceder, no tanto el derecho o la oportunidad de acceder a ella. No necesitamos preocuparnos tanto por las barreras que pudieran plantearse (por ejemplo la del idioma), o por los niveles, o por los grupos, en la “sociedad del conocimiento” y en las “industrias culturales”; ciertamente necesitamos desarrollar un consenso sobre las reglas de interacción para el diálogo, desde distintos puntos de vista: ecológico, humanista, cientificista, sentimental y afectivo; lúdico, prospectivo (construcción y desarrollo del futuro), social, educativo, coleccionismo.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

The key point that this deliberation forum needs to make is thatwe are drowning in a surfeit of information, in a large quantity of knowledge but we are starved of WISDOM. unless all this information and knowledge is turned into wisdom it is of no use to us. This paragraph to me therefore is not of value added. yes internet is great.but it doesnt allow us to tap into either the wisdom of our elders of our ancient cultures and traditions which we have lost with teh information age, OR to become more conscious and responsible of our current possibility to use all this information to become more WISE ie to link mind with HEART and conscience/spirit to use the information for the benefit of humanity! THIS should be, according to me, the main focus and objective of this entire deliberation forum on Information, Media and CUlture. the conscious pursuit of WISDOM versus the blind accumulation of information or desperate search for sterile knowledge that doesnt make us conscious, empower the most needy or transform society.
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

Agree we should develop concensus on rules of engagement but we should also recognise that many with wisdom handed down through generations are not able to participate in global discussions via modern communications systems.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Not clear the sense "issue is the ‘use’ of any information we can access not so much the right or the opportunity to access it.."
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

Knowledge is very often related to "science". However today the science is controlled in the hands of elites, who are more often utilizing their knowledge to collect revenue to benefit scientists themselves. Common knowledge, experience and the so-called non-codified knowledge are supporting the science but are taken as inferior and non-scientific. The point is: not tooverstate the formal and codied "knowledge", should respect more to people's knowldeg.
Written by G.Xiulin at 26 / 12 / 2010

6. We believe citizen expression (the expression of public character related to life in society) invites us all, city dwellers and citizens of the world, to explore new regulations of our social lifestyles. As the boundaries between the local and the global increasingly fade, the changes brought about by the “information age” are impacting on citizen expression and participation.

(8 / 53%)

(4 / 27%)

(2 / 13%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (5)
PERFECTO. EXCELENTE. APENAS SI ME DA PARA PROPONER UNOS LIGEROS CAMBIOS EN LA REDACCIÓN: Consideramos que la expresión ciudadana (la expresión de carácter público relativa a la vida en sociedad y a sus problemáticas asociadas) nos interpela en tanto habitantes de una comunidad y en tanto ciudadanos del mundo, permitiendo que explicitemos nuestras ideas sobre las posibles nuevas modalidades de la vida en común. Mientras las fronteras de lo local y de lo global se mezclan cada vez más estrechamente, las mutaciones ligadas a la era de la información, sin duda repercuten sobre la expresión y la participación ciudadana.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

As above, each point we make shoudl be concrete - what are we suggesting? Here perhaps to make a clear suggestion, we could add: 'Each of us as local and global mutually inter-dependent citizens of a single interconnected cosmos, can and must assume the responsibility to use our capacity for participation and expression creatively, courageously and consciously to enhance social harmony and understanding' PS I grew up in abig city Bombay but today live in a remote rural area by choice , but feel no less a global citizen; likewise people in my area are deeply conscious. Perhaps there is no need to say 'city dwellers' as it alienates rural inhabitants who are often more socially engaged than busy urban dwellers.
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

not clear why the statement focusses only on city dwellers and not on all dwellers on this earth. Many outside of cities are left out of the information age and out of global participation.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

De acuerdo con Mani habría que repensar el concepto de ciudadanía para que toque no solamente a los habitantes de una ciudad y avanzar y reconocer otros tipos de comunicación.
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

I agree
Written by B.Kethusegile at 27 / 12 / 2010

8. We believe that what is implemented today, and in some sense directed or taken by a few media companies worldwide, is what might be called the 1.0 level (unidirectional) and what is proposed is to bet on what we might call the 2.0 level (horizontal and multi-directional with a strong emphasis on specialized niches) and gain positions and grow in this area, before this new field also becomes monopolized.

(6 / 40%)

(3 / 20%)

(2 / 13%)

(1 / 7%)

(3 / 20%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (3)
MUY DE ACUERDO, AUNQUE PROPONGO SE APRUEBE ESTE OTRO TEXTO, ESTA OTRA REDACCIÓN: Consideramos que lo que hoy día está implantado, y en cierto sentido dirigido o copado por unas pocas empresas de comunicación a nivel mundial, es lo que podríamos llamar nivel 1.0 (unidireccional), y lo que se propone es apostar fuerte por lo que podríamos llamar nivel 2.0 (multidireccional y horizontal y también con fuerte acento en nichos especializados). En consecuencia, preferente atención debe darse a ganar posiciones y a crecer en ese ámbito, con una fuerte perspectiva desde lo local y lo autóctono, antes que también se monopolice y se controle ese nuevo espacio.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

I think that we already have a weakly developed " multidirectional level of media service with private media producers offering alternative views. Any useful media discussion of our situation and direction for the future needs to take cognizance of our history and therefore the model should not be horizontal. I am sorry I do not think that I understand the model.
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

This might need to be substantiated as it appears there is a 2.0 level that, however, is not effective
Written by B.Kethusegile at 27 / 12 / 2010

14. We believe e-Governance will have a significant role to play in the new Information and Communication order. It should be designed for public service, it has to be people-oriented, speedy and assure an integrated delivery of services; it should focus on outcomes, on accountability, on the promotion of the right to information, on inclusion of disadvantaged communities and on raising public awareness.and outreach.

(7 / 47%)

(5 / 33%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (5)
MUY BIEN, PERO REDACCIÓN PUEDE MEJORARSE. NUEVO TEXTO SUGERIDO: El e-gobierno y la administración digital tienen que representar un papel significativo en el Nuevo Orden de la Información y la Comunicación, enfocado al servicio público, centrado en la ciudadanía, y promoviendo eficiencia y certeza de la distribución integrada de servicios. Los esfuerzos en este sentido deberán centrarse en los resultados, en la responsabilidad, en la promoción del derecho a la información, en la inclusión de comunidades desfavorecidas, en la sensibilización respecto de las problemáticas fundamentales de este siglo XXI.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

Habría que definir el tipo de gobierno para que la comunicación y el uso de la tecnología se den en el marco de relaciones democráticas y respetuosas de los derechos humanos. Necesitamos gobiernos que realmente busquen no enriquecerse a costa del pueblo y eliminar toda práctica corrupta y de impunidad. Habría que precisar muchos aspectos en el marco de un nuevo orden social
Written by L.Martínez at 15 / 12 / 2010

E-Gov is in its sense first of all the formal change based on new technologies and automaticly do not add many democracy or rationalism in the gov. of the society.
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

¿Que es eso de e-gobierno? Ponemos la carreta delante de los bueyes, toda tecnología es un medio y no una determinante, tal vez tanto 'progreso' nos augura un conflicto entre lo visible natural y lo invisible artificial... ya sucede con el dinero circulante virtual que falsifica TODO, pues igual puede suceder con los 'e-gobiernos'...
Written by L.Mendez at 24 / 12 / 2010

5. We believe that globalization, the increasing interconnectedness and the multiplication of human flows push us toward a reorganization of the most advanced knowledge and the creation of a professional (in the broadest sense) that is characterized by flexibility. The 21st century professional faces a series of contexts no less complex and difficult than the expanding information system, market fluctuations and crises in lifestyles.

(6 / 40%)

(4 / 27%)

(3 / 20%)

(1 / 7%)

(1 / 7%)
 Number of assessments : 15

Comments (5)
COINCIDO PASO POR PASO CON LO PLANTEADO. APENAS PROPONGO UNAS MEJORAS DE REDACCIÓN, QUE SIN DUDA EN ESTE CASO NO SON DE TRASCENDENCIA: Consideramos que la globalización, la creciente interconectividad, y la multiplicación de flujos humanos, empujan hacia una reorganización de las actividades de conocimiento más avanzadas, y a la formación de un tipo de profesional (en el más amplio sentido del término) que se caracterice por su flexibilidad y adaptabilidad. Este profesional del siglo XXI, se enfrenta a una serie de contextos no menos complejos y difíciles, como lo son sin duda el sistema creciente de información, los vaivenes de los mercados, y las crisis en los modos de vida.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010

I feel we should limit the number of statements but only put forward such statements that are absolutely essential and that clearly convey what exactly is the change that we are calling for. General statements describing the state of the world - usually drawing on one or more authors, will not enable the barcelona Consensus to make an impact or show its value added above 1000s of other initiatives for change. Also language should be clear, simple but irrefutably powerful to inspire change.
Written by R.Mani at 03 / 12 / 2010

I do not follow the statement well as I do not understand the focus on the professionals
Written by S.Siwatibau at 10 / 12 / 2010

OK, but not finished idea -p.ex., creation of a professional what -personality, management? what kind ? possibly more important is not that it "faces a series of contexts" but that system of global wishdom and information opens the opportunities to account this series of contexts adapting new opportunities of so quickly developing information flows.
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010

The statement is incomplete and begs the questions, "flexibility to do what?" "so whats the professional to do about it?" "what is needed, and to do what?" To be able to cope? For the improvement of the social order, or the welbeing of society?
Written by B.Kethusegile at 27 / 12 / 2010

General comments

TAL VEZ el gran ausente en este foro es la EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA, lo que también se conoce como E-LEARNING.
Written by J.Elissalde at 02 / 12 / 2010
A TENER EN CUENTA: El que sabe y quiere decir algo profundo, se esfuerza por ser claro; y el que quiere parecer profundo, se esfuerza por expresarse en forma oscura y confusa.
Written by J.Elissalde at 03 / 12 / 2010
We must take into account that when increased the communication system, technology and science at the same time increase disease, pollution and criminal activities at the international level. Also when increase earning opportunities, knowledge networking, and values such as accountability and transparency increase arms trade, drug and migrant which constitutes new burdens must have solutions.
Written by dr. bakhita at 10 / 12 / 2010
Science related "knowledge" did as much good as much bad. Science and technology can also be used as tools of control. Traditional knowledge and people's common wisdom is not inferior to formal and modern knowledge. More respect should be paid to local knowledge. Scientific knowledge is only part of human knowledge.
Written by G.Xiulin at 26 / 12 / 2010
To attain an inclusive knowledge society is not an easy task. It requires vision, strategies, well defined and devised plans of actions, synergies and commitments. But in the first place, a strong belief that it is a basic human right.
Written by S.Baassiri at 27 / 12 / 2010