Topic 4. Economics and Finance. How should the world economy be financed?

Proposals for a global economic and financial structure.

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An Alternative to the Washington Consensus

Crisis as Opportunity

Needs and Indicators

New Objectives for the Economy

Gender Economics

Public and Social Sectors

Financial System

Monetary System

Tax System

Productive System

Economy, Society and Environment

Foreign Debt

International Trade

International Financial Institutions

New Regional Financial Architecture

Transformation Strategies

 The Need for New Models

The 423 proposals have been compiled from the contributions of 21 Barcelona Consensus participants (11 men and 10 women from 19 countries from all regions of the globe):

Ahmed Rahmani, Bakhita Ahmed, Fatima Zahra tul, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Florentine Ramambasoa, François Houtart, Gustave Massiah, Hazel Henderson, Juan Carlos Anselmi Elissalde, Leonor Aida Concha Martínez, Loreta Navarro-Castro, Luis Lopezllera-Mendez, Melani Budianta, Molero Cor, Nahla Chahal, Pedro Paez Perez, Ruth Bamela Engo, Susan George, Takayoshi Kusago, Zaki Ergas and Yun Jianli, besides texts from Ubuntu - World Forum of Civil Society Networks.

The proposals were also extracted from texts by members of the Barcelona Consensus Advisory Board: Pierre Beaudet, Samir Amin and Walden Bello; texts by the following authors: Manfred Max-Neef, Alex Callinicos, Arcadi Oliveres, Bernard Cassen, David Castells, David Sachs, Dot Keet, Éric Toussaint, Euclides André Mance, Ha-Joon Chang, Hugo Radice, Jayati Ghosh, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Julio Godoy, Leonardo Boff, Martin Khor, Michael Brie, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, Muhammad Yunus y Yu Yongding; texts from the following organizations: IPPR (20 on the G20), Aliança per la Sobirania Alimentària dels Pobles, Green New Deal Group (A Green New Deal Report), Dossiers Novaterra (La democracia sometida por la dinerocracia), Justícia i Pau, La Carta de La Tierra, Great Transition Initiative (La gran transición), World Future Council (Policies to Change the World), Sustainable Development Commission (Prosperity Without Growth? Report), Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (The world crisis and beyond) y UNCTAD; and from the Assemblies that occurred during the 2009 World Social Forum: Solidary Economics, Collective Rights, Western Capitalist Civilization Crisis and Common Goods.