NOVA NonViolence program is on process of turning into an institute with self-image. The institute aims to serve as a research center with four main sections: research, training, support for social activists and national/international political pressure. We pretend to achieve a social transformation and a sustainable peace through nonviolence means in order to build a powerful and participative civil society while defending human rights.
Choose a name which represents the values of the Institute.
a) All options will be accompanied by a descrptive name such as "Institute for NonViolent Social Transformation" that will appear in a secondary position. This may be either in english, catalan or spanish regarding the objective and destinatary.
1) Sign up here: Sign up
2) Give your valoration according to the colors scale.
Take note that you should limit the highest valoration (green) to up to three options.
You can also make comments on each option.
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3)You can also suggest up to three names (in the general comments part).
4)DEADLINE: thursday, 3th of may.
INA – Institute for Active Nonviolence
RIZOMA – Institute for Nonviolent Social Transformation
Rizoma is a plant which grows continuosly in any condition. If you cut it, it doesn't die but several roots grow from the cut. In the social activism sphere, rizoma means a shared and accumulative knowledge model.
INNAT – Institute for Nonviolent Active Transformation
Innat (Innate) refers to something which comes up spontaneously as social movements do.Nonviolence is innate.
VIVAVOCE - Institute for Nonviolent Social Transformation
In english VivaVoce is translated by Word of mouth, and so, it refers to something that spreads and agglutinates. In the politic/social sphere it is translated by Voice vote, and so, it refers to something democratic and participative.
REBOMBORI CIVIL – Institute for Nonviolent Social Transformation
Rebombori is a catalan word which means noise, movement, social agitation. The "bread's rebombori" is a revolt that took place in Barcelona and simbolizes a civil society's victory over the major unfair forces.
REDLINES - Institut for Nonviolent Social Transformation
Redlines makes reference to the limits which one can't overcross, the human rights which can't be infringed.
NONVIOLENCE DEFENDERS - Institut for Nonviolent Social Transformation
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