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 Facilitator: Josep Maria Canyelles

Here we present the structure of workshop 7, where you can find different presentations, of which you can get more information by clicking on the title of each one:

1.  Socially responsible territories: the new era of co-responsability  Xavier Agulló
2. Working the socially responsible territories integrating the interess of all the parts. Àngels Mataró, Associació per a les Nacions Unides
3. The Raval, a socially responsible teritory, Núria Paricio. Fundació Tot Raval
4.The third sector social responsability.
4.1 Social Responsability of the non profit organizations: Pau Vidal, Observatori del Tercer Sector.
      4.2 Other cases

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This workshop wants to go beyond the new models of collaboration to go deeper into how to work in the territory through processes of dialogue between organizations involved in managing their respective responsibility towards society.
First we will tackle what it means to work for a socially responsible territory as a way to develop a corporate social responsibility which focuses on territory. But RS does not affect only large corporations but have spoken to everyone: large and small businesses, social organizations, public authorities ...
 So dedicate the second block in the management of the RS by the non-profit organizations, which affects the voluntary and all variety of other stakeholders. In addition to earning consistent with our ethical and social values​​, we will improve the capacity of understanding with other stakeholders and address the challenges arising in the land.



 For  more information click here 

Comments (2)
Collaboration models have evolved. Social Responsibility (SR) has laid the grounds for the development of new regional dialog models. Dialog among stakeholders is a key component of SR. Nonetheless, for SR to be applicable regionally bilateral dialog is not sufficient. A dialog process involving all regional social actors is necessary.
Comments (9)
Today, public administrations, organizations and companies have to adopt a relationships-based approach if regional challenges are to be faced and successful projects are to be implemented. Today’s challenges are increasingly complex and so needs to be our response to these challenges. The complexity of today’s social problems requires of a joint response.
Comments (6)
Besides the official discourse, third sector entities regret their lack of opportunities and the loss of social innovation mechanisms and different approaches to face today’s challenges that this implies. An open dialog is necessary at this respectSocially Responsible Territories’ schemes with the participation of organizations applying SR programs can translate into a privileged platform for non-profit organizations in general and volunteers-based organizations in particular.
Comments (6)
Each country has defined its own SR model according to its historic and economic background. Nonetheless, these models are some times difficult to adapt to regional models, which involves a loss of opportunities. Volunteers-based organizations and the third sector in general should have an active role in the definition of regional SR models.
Comments (6)
Volunteering should be a key component in the development process of socially responsible territories. All stakeholders should take part of this process in order to improve its efficiency, its recognition and its potential.
Comments (3)
Non-profit organizations should benefit from empowerment programs and they should be provided with tools that allow them to interact more efficiently with other regional stakeholders. A regional system should be in place for the development of a “Socially Responsible Territory” program.
Comments (7)
Organizations individual capacity is limited. Consequently, the promotion of socially responsible territories is key for the improvement of the environment and living conditions of neighbours. The participation of all social, economic, cultural, private and public actors as well as neighbours that are already exercising their social responsibility is key at this aim. Furthermore, it increases the involvement of other regional stakeholders and it allows a real change to take place. Responsible actions can be carried out both by neighbours, middle sized and big organizations.
Comments (4)
All organizations including big companies, SMEs, public sector organizations and non-profit organizations should have an active role regarding their own SR and use models that are adapted to their respective environments and missions. Best practices should be observed and coherent organizational models implemented. Also, opening a dialogue processes among stakeholders from which they can all learn from each other and develop innovative strategies that provide all parties with added value is essential. These actions are the first necessary steep in the construction of a more responsible society and they lay the grounds to reach mutual understanding and to face today’s regional challenges.
Comments (3)
The concept of non-profit organizations’ social responsibility has to be developed and organizations should receive guidance regarding the adaptation of a model to their specific needs.
Comments (4)
Non-profit organizations must paly an active role regarding their own social responsibility. First of all, as a matter of coherence with their mandate and also in order to open a more genuine debate with companies and help them in the development of their social responsibility programs.
Comments (6)
Non-profit organizations main responsibility is to accomplish their mandate from a social value creation approach. Governance, transparency, sustainability, networking, volunteers’ rights and duties and the incorporation of any other relevant criteria are elements to be observed by non-profit organizations.
Comments (4)

General comments
We have to define non-profit organizations’ social responsibility
Written by simona at 03 / 10 / 2011
Com a funcionari de la Generalitat de Catalunya que, al llarg d'aquests darrers 8 anys he anat seguint el procés d'adapció de la RS en la nostra societat i dins de la Generalitat de Catalunya, crec que l'Administració ha d'impulsar, fomentar i promoure la RS. Per això considero que cal començar a treballar-la entre els nostres noies i noies des dels 11 fins els 17 anys. Seria un nou pla que pot aportar molt a la nostra societat actual i que té uns objectius molt clars de futur: Fomentar valors com el seny, la col·laboració desinteressada, el compromís, etc. Impulsar una comunitat socialment responsable per tal d'aconseguir un benestar, sense deixar de banda la cohesió social, cultural i religiosa, i compromesa en idees, en realitats, en projectes socials, ambientals, econòmics... Com més ciutadans puguin tenir relació directa o indirecta amb la RS, hi haurà més plataformes, més diàleg, més aportacions, etc. Tenim moltes possibilitats en la RS que hem de fer conèixer als nostres joves, i hem d'animar-los a una implicació i participació en un Voluntariat socialment responsable. Ara Catalunya, per mitjà de Tarragona 2017, tindrà de nou una finestra oberta al món. La RST ens hi pot ajudar? Jo estic convençut que sí.
Written by Jaume Colomer at 20 / 10 / 2011
Simona; it's the same than for companies! Why shouldn't a nonprofit have to do an Ethic Code? And complay it! Why not being transparent? Why not being accountable? Why not dialoguing with stakeholders? Why not indentifying materiality? No one can think I am pure, I have no risk, socity must believe in me because I'm nonprofit...
Written by josepmcanyelles at 20 / 10 / 2011
Jaume, certament si els més joves no van comprenent què és la responsabilitat social de les empreses difícilment aquest enfocament de gestió engegarà amb prou força per ser un agent de canvi rellevant. L'RSE finalment no deixa de ser una hipòtesi que fa l'empresa en el sentit que la societat acabarà valorant aquelles empreses que es comprometin amb autenticitat més enllà de les accions de màrketing (mkt amb causa, greening, o alguns models de filantropia interessada...). I la societat entendrà més bé de què parlem si aquest enfocament compromès també el van incorporant entitats no lucratives, institucions educatives, administracions... cosa que sorprenentment de vegades presenta grans dificultats!
Written by josepmcanyelles at 20 / 10 / 2011
Felicitats pel procés... fa uns dies quan vaig començar a llegir se'm va fer una mica "farragós"... el que necessitava era una mica de silenci i tranquil·litat. Potser la RSO necessitat també silenci aïllant-la d'altres "sorolls". I també el voluntariat. La RSO pot ser un camí per revalorar el voluntariat més gratuït i desinteressat, retornant la focalització en el territori (local) per a projectar-lo més enllà (global).
Written by marcmoreno at 20 / 10 / 2011
Desitjo que el Congrés Europeu del Voluntariat auni a les empreses, entitats i administracions perquè entre tots trobem noves i velles raons per fer el món més solidari: Fes-te Voluntati!
Written by M. Assumpta at 21 / 10 / 2011
Molts éxits i sort
Written by M. Assumpta at 21 / 10 / 2011
Espero que el MARKET sigui de profit com a cosa novedosa i molt interesant Miquel NR
Written by vetera at 25 / 10 / 2011

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