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Facilitator: Eva Ribera 

 Here we present the structure of workshop 1, where you can find different presentations, of which you can get more information by clicking on the title of each one:

1. The Danish Experience. Center for frivilligt social tarbejde.
2. The Andalusian experience. Manolo García. Plataforma Andaluza del Voluntariado.
Promoting volunteering through networking. Roberto Vidal Vicepresident of the Basque Country Volunteer Council.

4. The Catalan National Plan on Volunteering. Antonio Pérez, member of the Consell d’Associacionisme i Voluntariat de Catalunya and senior officer of the training division at Red Cross of Catalonia.
   4.1 Support plan to the third environmental sector of Catalonia. Josep Planas

5. The municipal experience:
  5.1. Volunteers’ Corner, Santa Coloma de Gramanet. Sonia Toro, Corner’s officer.
  5.2. Social Volunteering Office, Sant Cugat del Vallès.

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1. Provide an input and a feedback regarding the first item that refers to the text frame.
2. Give a value to the different proposals below,according the differnt colors avaiable, and post comments to the proposals itselves.
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You can write your comments, add concepts that there are not include in the document and that you believe could be important, at the end of the site in the section named General comments.
The comments will be put in common in the conference itself.

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This workshop aims to consider how to address the promotion of volunteerism from the public policy of the Administration, but also from the associations themselves.

 For more information click here.


Comments (1)

Promotion volunteering requires having policies that have been agreed with the civil society. Any policy promoting volunteering must come from an open, participatory, creative and innovative debate between the organized civil society and the public administrations.

Comments (4)

The participatory approach when drawing up and preparing public policies on association and volunteering not only allows a consensus, but also means that the co-agents (administrations, civil society…) are co-responsible for the implementation of the different measures.

Comments (6)

The accuracy and efficiency of public policies for the promotion of volunteering are closely related to the level of interlocution and participation between the representatives of the different volunteering entities and the administrations. For this it is important that our sector becomes articulated and is represented in platforms and other adequate forms of organization. Entities from the second and third sector facilitating interlocution with the public powers and remaining social actors.

Comments (3)

An adequate representation, an agile, transparent and dynamical procedure, and a good dose of generosity from associations to transfer their “best assets” for these tasks shall enable a more effective impact on the public policies of our concern.

Comments (2)

The different laws and volunteering plans are a tool, not an end in themselves, and are there to construct a more participatory and aware citizenship which is solidarity-based.

Comments (1)

In a world which is changing constantly, the way of making policies must also change and, in this sense, volunteering, and social platforms and organizations must play an active role in managing the policies affecting the everyday lives of citizens.

Comments (1)

In the 21st century, volunteering and the different volunteer organizations face the challenge of becoming a bridge, of uniting. In times where  social coexistence and the welfare state seem to be falling apart, volunteering and its organizations must work in pro of creating the necessary conditions so that we can all, building on our diversities, live together and in dignity.

Comments (1)

Local administrations are a key asset for the promotion of volunteering and third-sector entities. In the current times of austerity, we need appropriate supportive policies that are the fruit of a coordinated effort between the local administration and all other entities involves, so they can develop their objectives and channel the involvement and motivation of citizens. For this to become a reality, networking is necessary, as well as the creation of municipal volunteering offices to coordinate and act as the link between volunteers and the associative tissue and, at the same time, offer guidance, support and training to entities and to voluntary activity so as to promote and contribute to its articulation; ultimately there have to be joint efforts to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of citizens.

Comments (6)

The use of CITs in non-profit entities is essential to promote volunteering and is a strategic line that must be promoted when establishing public policies that have been agreed with the civil society

Comments (1)

All actors must work together in the promotion of volunteering. Establishing different models of collaboration must depend on the realities surrounding us, rather that striving to find one single model that can apply to all countries.

Comments (4)

General comments
I believe it is very difficult to set up an european volunteerung policy as each country has different laws and different level of people volunteering
Written by simona at 03 / 10 / 2011
El nostre model es pot semblar més al Basc perquè s'ha creat des de l'Assocacionisme i des de la manera com tenim de concebre elnostre país. Molts dels que anomenem voluntaris, ho som perquè formem part d'un grup que s'uneix amb el desig de millorar el país, en qualsevol dels seus àmbits. Però, potser, sense el lligam amb l'administració pública que es percep en la comunicació del País Basc.
Written by enric canet at 07 / 10 / 2011
Veig molt clar que la participació i és important per a que les polítiques de promoció del voluntariat siguin eficaces. Però no creieu que hi ha altres elements clau? Per exemple: a través de quines eines es pot promocionar millor el voluntariat? És millor subvencionar les entitats o oferir-los serveis? Hi ha prou rendició de comptes amb els compromisos que assumeix l'administració davant el sector?
Written by joancuevas at 10 / 10 / 2011

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