1. We must move away from the "economism" to which the global left was reduced in the neoliberal era. Politics, in short, must once more be in command, along with active citizenship.
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2. We understand that prosperity consists, in part, of our capabilities to participate in the life our society demands and that attention is paid to the underlying human and social resources required for this task. Creating resilient social communities is particularly important in the face of economic shocks.
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3. We believe that many such proposals will be rejected by the U.S. and quite possibly also by some European governments. The change in the system has to start by a small number of countries, leaving an open door to the progressive extension of this initial group. The advantages and the efficiency that result from the proposed new systems will cause their progressive and widespread increase finally ending up with the facts becoming substantially global.
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4. We believe that the South's disconnection allows for greater South-South trade and less political dependency, stating their own positions against the North, strengthening domestic production and technological capabilities and distancing themselves from globalization.
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5. We believe that history is not linear. It is made up of breaks, caused by the accumulation of energy, ideas, projects, dreams and ideals, which at one time coagulate and introduce a new break, a turning point, and then new approaches emerge with enough force to prevail, establishing the new paradigm. And so begins another culture. And then illusions and dreams that up until then seemed impossible begin to come true.
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6. We want the economy to operate on the basis of ethical principles to ensure justice - the rights to food, education and housing for the poor and especially for the indigenous communities. We must promote the evolution of these communities in a process that they themselves lead.
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7. The possibility of an alternative is built, first of all, from the defense of the peoples' ability to decide. A crucial element of this capacity depends on the maneuvering area nations have at the macroeconomic level. The historic role of neoliberalism in the dismantling of these capabilities and in the weakening of manufacture and social forces in the South should be responded to with a collective and simultaneous creation of new capabilities, the development of a new kind of sovereignty: not based on the small nation-state in the past, but on the strengthening of supranational, continental and regional, identities, pillars for a democratic and multi-polar world.
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8. We believe that the current economic, political, social and cultural focus on profit and wealth for a few has come to an end. We must decide among all the new forms of procedure and values that need to bring forth, to live by.
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9. We want to establish an effective dialogue between the public, private and social economies - that includes citizens organizations - to establish the roles, responsibilities, and limits of the private economy, as well as public laws that lead to the implementation, evaluation, correction and control of this field, defining a new national and international economic model under public scrutiny.
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10. We believe that from Citizens' Observatories we need to review the way governments function, to eliminate unproductive expenses, wastes and privileges from the entire system.
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11. We believe that the key actor in bringing about change is the civil society: each and every one of us. Anyone can generate a huge change if instead of trying to adapt we act consistently according to what we want and what we can do (as so many normal people have done and do: Gandhi, Rosa Parks ...).
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General comments
regarding this topic, i would urge the the richest nationals and multi national companies to apply the idea of corporate Social Responsiblity in its full letter and sprit. it will bring the great change in the lives of many ethnic and indigenous people in many parts of the world.
Written by M.Sabir at 17 / 11 / 2010
as world of work today im Africa has been in constant motion as a result of the economic variabels resulting from economic restructuring and the effects of globalization it is imperative for african countries to promot strategies to devolop and update labor standard and legislation to adapt with an economic variabels, a manner that achieves the balance in promoting investments and achieve gains for workers in the right of sharing wealth. Dr. Bakhita
Written by dr. bakhita at 24 / 11 / 2010
For the work of economic strategies effective & successful must develop systems structures for macro-economic policies and attention to strategic planning, identify the economic value of resources and exploited, determine the economic long-term objectivies, create positive indicators of economic development trends. Allso when preparing economic strategies to be put population continuing in the world to mind as well as an account for new entrans to the labor markets and coming generations.
Written by dr. bakhita at 29 / 11 / 2010
Realmente excelente también este capítulo, o sea este foro titulado "ESTRATEGIAS DE TRANSFORMACIÓN". Aquí entiendo se define de manera admirable el marco en el que deben inscribirse las estrategias de transformación". Claro, la parte concreta y detallada de las estrategias de transformación, debería entenderse que queda abierta para recibir futuras contribuciones y especificidades, o bien que se nutre y se basa en todo lo discutido anteriormente. El único aporte de cierta importancia que personalmente puedo hacer aquí, es que las estrategias de transformación no pueden ser otras que progresivas, que paso a paso. En efecto, nuestro actual tejido productivo-social es muy complejo, y todo cambio, por mínimo que sea, requerirá adaptación por parte de los actores sociales, tal vez adquirir ciertas destrezas nuevas, tal vez complementar su educación, etcétera. Por otra parte, realidades políticas y sociales diferentes en distintos países, necesitarán un cronograma adaptado a cada caso, así como estrategias diferentes pero en el largo plazo convergentes a los grandes objetivos comunes.
Written by J.Elissalde at 01 / 12 / 2010
A TENER MUY EN CUENTA: George Clemenceau a été un grand penseur français et un homme politique rusé de son temps; il a été sans doute l'une des grandes personnalités de la culture universelle. Parmis des nombreuses citations emblématiques formulées par cet analyste social intelligent, se détachent particulièrement les suivantes: "La guerre est si importante qu'on ne doit pas la laisser entièrement entre les mains des militaires"; "La justice militaire est à la justice, ce que la musique militaire est à la musique"; "Dans tous les cimetières du monde reposent des gens qui se considéraient indispensables". En paraphrasant ce grand journaliste et analyste européen, et en reproduisant la structure et l'ironie présentes dans ces trois citations, aujourd'hui nous pourrions affirmer que: "L'économie et l'argent sont trop importants, pour les laisser entièrement entre les mains d'économistes et de banquiers"; "Le système financier international est si important et nous concerne tant, que nous ne devons pas le laisser uniquement entre les mains des gouvernants nationaux et des leaders d' organismes internationaux"; "Dans notre structure sociale, ce qui est le plus important est le pouvoir citadin".
Written by J.Elissalde at 04 / 12 / 2010
A TENER MUY EN CUENTA: George Clemenceau fue un agudo pensador francés y un astuto político de su tiempo, fue sin duda uno de los grandes de la cultura universal. Y entre las muchas frases emblemáticas formuladas por este inteligente analista social, se destacan particularmente las que acto seguido se indican: “La guerra es tan importante que no debe dejarse enteramente en manos de militares”; "La justicia militar es a la justicia, lo que la música militar es a la música"; "Todos los cementerios del mundo están llenos de gente que en vida se consideraba imprescindible". Parafraseando a este gran periodista y analista europeo, e imitando la estructura y la ironía presentes en estas tres frases, hoy podríamos afirmar que: “La economía y el dinero son demasiado importantes, como para dejarlos enteramente en manos de economistas y de banqueros”; “El sistema financiero internacional es tan importante y nos afecta tanto, que no debemos dejarlo únicamente en manos de los gobernantes nacionales y de los jerarcas de organismos internacionales”; "En nuestra sociedad, lo único verdaderamente imprescindible es el poder ciudadano".
Written by J.Elissalde at 04 / 12 / 2010
A TENER MUY EN CUENTA: George Clemenceau was a sharp thinker and a crafty French politician of his time, was undoubtedly one of the big ones of the universal culture. And between many emblematic phrases formulated by this intelligent social analyst, the following ones are outlined particularly: "The war is so important that it must not be left entirely in military men's hands"; "The military justice is to the justice, what the military music is to the music"; "All the cemeteries of the world have people that were considered to be like indispensable". Paraphrasing this great journalist and European analyst, and imitating the structure and the irony present in these three phrases, today we might affirm that: "The economy and the money are so important, since to leave them entirely in hands of economists and bankers"; "The financial international system is so important and affects us so much, that we must not leave it only in hands of the national high-level actors and/or the leaders of international organizations"; "In our social structure, the really indispensable thing is the civil power".
Written by J.Elissalde at 04 / 12 / 2010
Since the economy is one of the leading motives of the global conflict policies, countries should identify the most prominent and most important priority in the economic field, because the strength of any society depends largely on the strength of the economy, today's economic power is the dominant and leading
Written by dr. bakhita at 27 / 12 / 2010

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