1. We believe that the impetus for short term gain is the main cause of the ongoing financial derivation and that a strong tax could deduct its attractiveness. We need to establish a close relationship between ownership and control to put an end to the harmful role played by agents with the money of others. This is about separating the speculative transactions of banks from their regular operations.
Comments (1)
2. We want the implementation of taxes on financial transactions in some of these modalities:
2.a. We want a tax to be applied to States both on currency transactions between banks and on the financial market, since it is easy to implement such a tax due to technical particularities this market has: the interbank foreign exchange transactions happens through high-security computer systems and the exchanges between banks are already subject to quotas applied to every transaction, making it easy to collect this tax.
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2.b. We believe that it is unacceptable that banks and financial markets are not subject to VAT or any form of taxation on foreign exchange transactions. We want the introduction of a micro-tax of no more than 0.005% on these transactions. Such a tax would be able to raise U.S. $ 33,000 million annually. Consumers in the real economy would not be affected by this tax because the costs of operating as an individual in the foreign exchange market is 100 to 1000 times higher than the proposed tax and, also, because the operations involving goods and services account for only 3% of the operations of this market (the rest are speculative operations on exchange rates).
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2.c. We want a tax on currency and financial transactions that engraves and regulates international capital transactions, to encourage more long-term investments and to protect national economies from speculative attacks, and we also want it to be used to fund global environmental protection measures.
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2.d. Curbing excessive trading in our global financial casinos has now become essential. Possible remedies include imposing a financial transactions tax on all trades: small taxes on all financial transactions can slow down and reduce the staggering volumes of trading today.
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2.e. We want a series of regulations and a package of taxes on financial transactions, besides the Tobin Tax, to discourage speculation and slow down speculative activities through a regulative mechanism that could include progressive rates according to parameters such as risks, social and environmental impacts, and others, using a similar classification to the existing one for dangerous products (such as chemicals, etc.).
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3. We want to prohibit transactions within tax havens and abolish them. They represent a huge loss of tax revenues both to rich and poor nations, money that could be used for social purposes. At the same time they represent a regressive tax system and an unfair advantage for transnational corporations and the wealthiest, that also enhances the difficulties for financial supervision.
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4. We want to abolish tax privileges and prosecute tax fraud so that citizens are not burdened with taxes that ultimately benefit big businesses and corrupt States, and are, in addition, a source of great inequality.
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5. At the level of international economy, we want the substitution of compensatory interest for a regulation rate to be applied to both debt and credit balances, following the footsteps of timely suggestions made by John Maynard Keynes and James Tobin.
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6. We want to increase taxes on “big business” and the wealthiest, to finance social spending and investments on infrastructure, research and development.
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7. We want to increase taxes on speculative activities that have low social value and subsidize business activities of high social content, technological research and clean technologies.
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8. We believe that to prevent dumping and the exploitation of cheap labor, products must be recorded when transported and anti-dumping rates should be established, so that offshore production would no longer be as cheap, and production would then tend to be as close as possible to the consumer.
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9. We want immediate and radical wealth redistribution from private owners, giving to the people of the South, lower classes around the world and the public sphere: 75% of the wealth in the hands of the rich and the super rich should cover the debt and the appropriation that has been generated. There is no need to pay for the crisis by issuing new national debt. This demand can be met by heavy taxation on the wealthy, corporate profits, the higher personal incomes and inheritances, as well as on financial and foreign exchange transactions. The private expropriation, and the colonial plunder and exploitation have generated a debt that must be paid off.
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A TENER MUY EN CUENTA: Los impuestos son tan importantes para una sociedad digna, saludable, y educada, como el viento y la lluvia para la vida en tierra firme. Sin viento no nos llegarían las nubes, y además la polinización se complicaría, y se producirían también varios otros trastornos. Sin lluvia no tendríamos para beber ni para irrigar los cultivos. Y de manera análoga, la sociedad sería prácticamente inviable en el actual estado de desarrollo, si no se usara dinero, y si no se cobraran impuestos. Así que entre varias otras cosas corresponde que perfeccionemos el sistema fiscal, buscando en lo posible erradicar tanto la morosidad fiscal como la defraudación fiscal, o buscando por lo menos llevar esos flagelos a expresiones mínimas y marginales.
Written by J.Elissalde at 03 / 12 / 2010
A TENER MUY EN CUENTA: Les impôts sont aussi importants pour une societé digne, saine, et cultivée, que le vent et la pluie pour la vie sur terre. Sans le vent, nous n'aurions pas de nuages, et la polinisation serait compromise. Et nous aurions aussi d'autres ennuis. Sans la pluie, nous n'aurions pas d'eau pour boire ni pour irriguer la terre. De même, la societé serait pratiquement impossible dans son état actuel de developpement, si l'on n'utilisait pas de l'argent, et si l'on ne percevait pas d'impôts. Par consequant et parmi d'autres messures, il convient que nous perfectionnions le système fiscal, en cherchant dans la mesure du possible, erradiquer la morosité fiscale et la fraude fiscale, ou du moins limiter ces fleaux au maximun.
Written by J.Elissalde at 03 / 12 / 2010
A TENER MUY EN CUENTA: Eliminar en forma completa o casi completa la defraudación fiscal y la morosidad fiscal es perfectamente posible, y por añadidura hacer añicos a los paraísos fiscales. Naturalmente, si bien ello no es una UTOPÍA, también es cierto que esta situación envidiable no podrá ser obtenida de un plumazo, sino que será fruto de un largo proceso que llevará años, que llevará probablemente décadas. Un SISTEMA FISCAL CASI TOTALMENTE AUTOMATIZADO, sin declaraciones juradas, e incluso con recaudación fiscal automática, aquí está la clave para el avance societario.
Written by J.Elissalde at 03 / 12 / 2010
A TENER EN CUENTA - REDACCIÓN Y TERMINOLOGÍA - En idioma español o castellano, gravar en sentido de impuesto o de ingreso fiscal, debe escribirse con "v", pues si se la escribe con "b" significa otra cosa.
Written by J.Elissalde at 11 / 12 / 2010

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