1. We believe that the capitalist economic system has taken its logic of individualistic accumulation to an extreme, one that focuses on consumption and the commodification of all human relationships, identifying goods and the accumulation of wealth with the satisfaction of needs. This also causes an unequal distribution of wealth in society. For this reason, we need to find a new logic and social practice which takes into account gender as an axis and that structures not only the socio-economic relations, but also political, cultural; all relations constituting society.
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2. We believe that the patriarchal capitalist system is organized to exclude women and give them a mandate to ensure their happiness and appreciation in every society for the exclusive tasks of care, punishing women who do not meet this mandate. Care work is always mandatory and free, and certainly without them there would be no possibility of wealth accumulation since, among other things, they allow for societies to save and cut social spending. Thus, Capitalism and Patriarchy mutually reinforce each other.
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3. We believe that the economy is not the only dynamic that moves money: it has not only this visible, public, monetized form, since home is also a unit of consumption and production that leads to the sustainability of life thanks to the satisfaction of basic human needs.
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4. We believe that if we want to analyze human sustainability as part of the economic model in regards to its various fields and actors (State, market, homes and communities) it is necessary to take into account the everyday relationships where life is played-out, where we also find unfair, discriminatory and violent relationships.
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5. We believe that the State is responsible for ensuring the structural conditions for the exercise of care as a right. It must be regulated, taxed, supervised and other measures should be created to generate co-responsibility and conciliatory policies between paid work and care, expanding social benefits. The dimension of the care economy should be incorporated into analysis and policy decisions to prevent this responsibility from continuing to fall solely on women.
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6. We believe that the State should promote mechanisms, debate opportunities and female participation at policy level, as well as the participation of different social forces to:
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6.a. Link paid work to unpaid work, changing the very concept of work, which is not always paid.
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6.b. Redistribute power between men and women in the labor market, reducing the pay gap and improving work conditions.
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6.c. Promote women's rights to make decisions about their own bodies and their participation in economic, social and political decisions in different areas, issues and institutions of society.
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6.d. Redistribute power in the household and the sharing of responsibilities in everyday life.
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6.e. Take into consideration the value and contribution of care work.
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6.f. Establish mechanisms for the end of violence against women at home and in society. Fight against the impunity of crimes.
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6.g. Require the State to guarantee the structural conditions for the exercise of care as a right.
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6.h. Encourage States to comply with the commitments made to women at international gatherings organized by the UN and other international institutions like the ILO.
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6.i. Demand that government services should release women from bearing exclusive responsibility for the care work that so far has fallen upon them, putting forward legislation so that these jobs are distributed between men, women, communities and the State.
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6.j. Contribute to the strengthening of women to increase their capacity to influence public policy and the establishment of a genuinely anti-patriarchal democratic State.
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6.l. Ensure the universal right to health through high quality integral public systems, recognizing the diversity of health care that includes indigenous and alternative medicine.
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General comments
the Women make the half of the world's population. they should be included in all processes of economic reclaimation of human society. the richest states should concentrate on the women empowerment through education and visible political participation to change the mind set of extremism of the masses of the world. for example, the world forces are spending billions of dollars on Pakistan Afghanistan region, according to my calculations if they spend 40 to 50% of present expenditures on women development, they can see the visible change as per their agenda of social, economic and political change in next 5 years.
Written by M.Sabir at 17 / 11 / 2010
El cúmulo de lo que hay que leer y evaluar para el presente proyecto CONSENSO DE BARCELONA por cierto es enorme, y para hacer bien esta tarea hay que dedicar mucho tiempo, tal vez demasiado si es que se deben conciliar tiempos con otras actividades. El particionamiento a partir de la parte 4 en unidades más pequeñas y más numerosas, con certeza va en el sentido adecuado, pues así el participante puede concentrarse en aquellas temáticas donde puede hacer aportes más relevantes. Igualmente, la cantidad de documentación que se envía para evaluar es de tal magnitud, que puede llegar a desanimar a algunos participantes y desmotivarlos. Lamento no tener una solución clara a esta problemática, pues tampoco es el caso recomendar de reducir drásticamente el número de propuestas para evaluación, pues ello nos quitaría riqueza y diversidad.
Written by J.Elissalde at 20 / 11 / 2010
Because the presence of women in the small business, the weakness of the markting in this sector has led to low productivity. * To mobilize the women in the work, it must applied ( equal pay for equal work). * Finance institutions in the sector of small business, must provide traning & markting services in addition to funding.
Written by dr. bakhita at 24 / 11 / 2010
Since women contribute to development at community level, stste level, family level and coming generation level,it must: * outlining situation of women, identifing the gaps & chellenges and strenthening women issues & priorities * to come up with women specific needs, creating better opportunities foe gender equality and women empwerment .
Written by dr. bakhita at 28 / 11 / 2010
Despite the increased paricipation of women in economic activities and increasing their contribution for family income,but most of them are employed in rural areas under harsh conditions. The empowerment of women economically and socially will contribute to raising the standard of living & increase the income of the family, lead to well-being of population, achievement of sustainable development and thereby achieve economic security for women. Each of the obove must be addressed disabilities that prevent opportunities for the participation of women in economic development, by working to: -Attention to women's education and improve the quality of their education and enhance its returns,back to be a tool for promotion. - The integration of gender perspective in economic reforms and policies. - providing equal opportunities for women and ending violence and discrimination against them. - Make women full and active partners in development as producers and beneficiaries.
Written by dr. bakhita at 28 / 11 / 2010
Much of the analysis on gender economics hinges around care work and calling attention to the inequalities between genders - a perspective from the north i would suggest .Gendered analysis of macro economic policy , can actually reveal where the strength of an economy comes from For example much of Indias production of exportables , competitive because of low wages , or low cost labour, comes from womens hands in home based prodn or informal prodn units Further Much of Indias savings comes from household savings Recognising such phenomena and responding appropriately with skill development and incentives and support , can enhnace not only gdp but draw attention to invisible assets .Gendered analysis and womens collective voice derived from their understanding of the phenomena on the ground, is necessary to shift the paradigm of development itself .a working group of feminist economists in hte indian planning commission were able to draw attention to the large community of women farmers, who because women are seen as part of households do not get access to agricultural services including credit > As a result the govt of india has set up a new grant RS 100 crores program addressed only to women farmers More south cntric comments and knowledge and analysis is necessary
Written by D.Jain at 18 / 12 / 2010
Gender economics could be the best tool to address women marginalization. Though women have been always the main pillar in economic development, their contribution went unnoticed or undervalued. They have been more often denied their right to financial remuneration or at best to equal pay for equal work. The traditional role of women as caregivers has been mistakenly considered as being part of the woman's raison d'être and not the crucial element for economic, social and human development. Their contribution rarely assessed or evaluated from an economic perspective. So mainstreaming gender in economics, statistics and policy making would sure bring to the forefront a better perspective of women contribution to economic development.
Written by S.Baassiri at 27 / 12 / 2010

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