1. We want new economic policy objectives. The objectives that govern those responsible for national and regional economic policy (such as central banks and finance ministries), should be more democratic: duties such as inflationary control, balance of payments, economic growth and any other instrumental purposes should be subject to social welfare objectives, which should include the sustainable overall satisfaction of the population's basic needs with the equitable distribution of wealth and sustainable development.
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2. We believe that the huge gap between the resources consumed by different population groups not only points to a great social injustice, but also encourages wasteful luxuries that we can not afford on a finite and overcrowded planet.
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3. Humanity has the material potential to ensure each and every individual all basic human rights beyond the modest goals of the Millennium Development Goals. It is clear there is no shortage of resources.
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4. We want an economy that is consistent with the problems and challenges of the 21st century and that is based on five principles and a fundamental value:
4. a. The economy is to serve the people and the people are not to serve the economy.
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4. b. Development is about people, not objects.
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4. c. Growth is not the same as development, and development is not necessarily required for growth.
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4. d. No economy is possible outside the services provided by the ecosystem.
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4. e. The economy is a subsystem of a larger system that is finite: the biosphere. Hence, continuous growth is impossible.
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5. The fundamental value: no economic interest, under any circumstances, may be placed on top of reverence for life. (Currently the situation is the exact opposite of each of these statements: Life does not matter at all if business can be made: today there are more slaves, including children, than before the abolition of slavery in the 19th century. But such statements not reach the news, because it is business.)
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6. The most important contribution the an Economy at the Human Scale is that it allows the shift from a paradigm such as neoliberalism – based on greed, competition and accumulation - towards a new paradigm based on solidarity, cooperation and compassion. Such transition would allow not only greater levels of happiness for those who have been marginalized, but also to those responsible for such marginalization.
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7. We think that for a good economic management in the different levels (from the local to the global) a systematic application of the principles of democracy, local subordination, sustainability and equality are needed: - Democracy: workers and their communities must participate in the main economic and business decision-making processes. - Local subordination: to grant more importance to local economies than to globalization. - Sustainability: clean and Eco-efficient production. - Equality: a drastic reduction of the social imbalance between classes, genders and peoples.
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8. We must turn towards an economy of human life with dignity, one that at least grants access to resources and the provision of basic needs (housing, livelihood, education, treatment, safety and security). This world economy must have:
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8. a. Equitable distribution of wealth, application of the principle (from each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her need). A few countries in the world should not control fourth-fifths (4/5) of the world’s wealth, whilst the rest struggle with the (1/5) remainder – it is time that rich countries help poor ones to promote their economies instead of looting their wealth and riches.
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8. b. Equality & justice among the peoples of the world in the division of wealth in particular the Commons.
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8. c. An end to the state of poverty, destitution, deprivation, non-exploitation and end all forms of underdevelopment and inequity.
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9. We believe that eradicating poverty is an ethical, social and environmental imperative. It requires:
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9. a. The guarantee of the right to: clean water, clean air, food security, uncontaminated land, shelter and safe sanitation; with the allocation of the national and international resources required.
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9. b. The empowerment of every human being through education and the resources required to secure a sustainable livelihood, and the provision of social security and support networks for those who are unable to support themselves.
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9. c. The recognition of those who have been ignored, the protection of the most vulnerable, aid for those who suffer, enabling the development of their skills and the pursuing of their aspirations.
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10. We want economic activities and institutions (at all levels) to promote equitable and sustainable human development through:
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10. a. an equitable distribution of wealth within and between nations.
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10. b. the intellectual, financial, technical and social resources of the developing nations, releasing them from onerous international debt.
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10. c. a commerce that supports the sustainable use of resources, environmental protection and progressive labor standards.
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10. d. the commitment of multinational corporations and international financial organizations to act transparently for the public good, holding them accountable for the consequences of their activities.
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11. We want a new type of economics, that needs to be centered around “mutual-interaction” among peoples, and between individuals and nature. We can call this the “Economics of Relationships,” which includes social capital, social trust and sustainability.
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12. We believe the market should be regulated by ethical principles. Ethics and moral standards should be injected into some economic activities as a short-term and medium-term strategy. The challenge is to devise ethical economically-sound policies built into the globalization process that are in keeping with values. The internalization of the ethical values within the consciousness of the individual and the community could be the only hope for humanity.
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13. We believe economies of countries should be governed by the principle of production for social need, not for private profit. What has been presented to us all as a crisis of credit or of markets, unconnected to the everyday world of work, turns out to be a crisis of production. In a system guided by private profit rather than social need, a serious crisis is always a crisis of profitability, and profits originate in the exploitation of productive labor. Firms respond to slowing sales growth by laying off workers and canceling planned investments. The emphasis shifts to cutting costs and improving productivity. Because all employers do this at the same time, there are rapid knock-on effects on retail sales, leading to further all-round declines in business orders.
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14. We believe it is not possible to guarantee unlimited high rates of economic growth on a finite planet with a growing human population without the global implementation of family planning. This imbalance is exacerbated by groups with high consumption levels per capita whilst others are in complete poverty or destitution. To address this situation, we believe that:
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14. a. it is not possible to ensure a minimum level of rationality and social equity without a substantive change in our international exchange systems and a thorough reform of the international financial system and international trade.
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14. b. it is essential to put in place some sort of global regulation of the world's population, both to adjust the level of consumption per capita within the different population groups, and to enhance the balance of global trade according to the different geographical regions and countries.
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14. c. paradigm and conceptual shifts should be carried out to conveniently guide economic policies and the actions of economic agents as well as significant structural and institutional reforms.
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15. We believe that making money cannot be the main objective of economic activity. A company has a social function and to carry it out it has to be profitable, but making money is only a medium, not the main goal. Chrematistics (the commercial and speculative activities aimed only at making money) should be declared illegal and must be reduced. Economics (the managerial activities - self-management, self-sufficiency - of the scarce goods from one's own community – home) should be promoted.
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16. We believe that we must advance towards a transition to a global socialism, a society where the accumulation of capital is not the overriding objective, where capital and the dominant oligopolies can not subdue decisions, and where nations regulate their connection to globalization. This may be accomplished with a new internationalization of workers and peoples.
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General comments
the objective of economics of 21st century should be the psycho-social and spritual satisfaction of the masses rather than prophet making. in this regards the teachers and clergy should to take lead to convey the masses to give focuss fare practices in earning their livelyhood.
Written by M.Sabir at 17 / 11 / 2010
En verdad, en este proyecto CONSENSO DE BARCELONA estamos generando una serie enorme de buenas declaraciones y de buenas recomendaciones. Formaríamos así una muy extendida base de ideas y de paradigmas, que: (A) Por un lado deberíamos reducir a un núcleo central, al menos para encarar su difusión a un nivel general, y que deseamos tener al menos para mediados de 2011; (B) Por otro lado, deberíamos también generar un todo coherente, en el que no haya incompatibilidades, y en el que pueda plantearse una razonable convergencia entre las cuestiones declarativas con las cuestiones operativas, y (C) paralelamente desarrollando además una visión más o menos detallada sobre la obligatoria etapa de transición entre el estado actual de nuestro tejido socio-económico y el futuro estado terminal o maduro que se propone (puesto que naturalmente ese período de transición presumiblemente será largo y complejo, y también estará bajo nuestra responsabilidad establecerlo, si es que deseamos que la DECLARACIÓN DEL CONSENSO DE BARCELONA sirva para algo y sea considerada como seria y posible desde distintas tiendas).
Written by J.Elissalde at 18 / 11 / 2010
If we want to add some objectives of economy we must identify an economic challenges. Economic challenges, which are development or variables or problems and obstacls to economuc or dismension of the environment stems from the local, regional or even golobal pose a threat to future groth & economic development.Follow despite the multiplicity of challenges facing the third world counteries, political,social, environmental and technology but the economic forefront. Some economic challenges: * Limitation of economic resources and its misuse, e.g. water is one of most limitd resources, some areas are located in Dry Areas as an example : in the Arab World - according to sources of Arab Associatoin for Investment Guarantte- average annual per capita water 1000 cubic meters, compared to 7700in the world, it expected to decline reaching only 500in 2025. * the most serious economic challenges in the light of the current cganges is rising rates of unemployment, especially among youth.* Corruption which it represents an economic, social & political Issue, consequent imbalance in economic efficiency of misallocation of economic resources and also malfunction in distribution of incom and wealth among communities and individuals .
Written by dr. bakhita at 25 / 11 / 2010
We want an economy which is primary objective is achieving equality and justice, balanced development and provides basic services to all.
Written by dr. bakhita at 28 / 11 / 2010
We want an economy aimed to discovering the home of the world’s wealth, development utilization of and deal with them wisely and not waste.
Written by dr. bakhita at 30 / 11 / 2010
We want an economy provides a balance between population and amount of resources to obtain sufficient employment opportunities, improve the livelihood and well-being, because that would lead to consistency between the development programs and resources available.
Written by dr. bakhita at 30 / 11 / 2010
please see the work of the casablanca dreamers on the web as well as the paper done for the un meeting in 2010 cxalled crisis .. on hte undp web site by devaki jain and diane elson
Written by D.Jain at 18 / 12 / 2010
Important but need the unified editing
Written by A.Buracas at 19 / 12 / 2010
The main objective of economics has been in the first place to wisely manage the world resources in order to optimize the satisfaction of human needs. Abuses have been recorded along the process. We need to rehumanize the world economy in order to meet its real objectives away from deepening discrimination and causing marginalization which would sure cause instabilities and consequently wars and destructions.
Written by S.Baassiri at 27 / 12 / 2010

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